CMC Adult Sunday School Classes
The Believers.
Men and Women - ages 40 and up. We focus on the Bible and also do studies such as Charles Stanley, Beth Moore, and more. We are very active in our church, community, and missions, and have a large population of Emmaus Community members.
Led by multiple class members.
Caring Christians.
Occasionally we laughingly refer to our class as "The Young Adults"! However, we have "matured" as our ages are now in the sixties and seventies! We are "Young at Heart"! We have studied the Men and Women of the Bible, Seamless, and other video studies. Please come join our group.
Led by Joe Little, Johnny Webb, Jeanie Hollinger.
Companions in Christ.
Singles and couples, mostly in our 30’s and 40’s - but anyone is welcome to join us. We have a very laid-back atmosphere that encourages open discussion. Topics of study include books of the Bible, Biblical History, Current Events, and various life applications. We utilize Right Now Media, written studies, and more.
Friends in Faith.
We are mostly singles and couples aged 40 and up, but Anyone is welcome to join us. We have traveled "Through the Bible" and studied "Women of the Bible" as well as "Great Characters of the Bible." In addition to our delivery of grilled chicken plates to special friends in the community each December, we support local missions. Our curriculum consists of current events happening in the world today and how they pertain to books of the Bible.
Led by George Fendley.
Girls with Swords.
Open to all women ages 19-up. We are a food-loving, fun-loving, Jesus-loving, God-worshiping group of ladies. We study directly from God's Word and have just recently started looking closely at The Lord's Prayer. We welcome anyone who would like to join us.
Led by Fran Hollinger & Leah Vick.
The Rough Bunch.
Men of all ages. Teaching from the Bible. If you come, have a thick skin.
Led by Malcolm Smith.
The Believers.
Men and Women - ages 40 and up. We focus on the Bible and also do studies such as Charles Stanley, Beth Moore, and more. We are very active in our church, community, and missions, and have a large population of Emmaus Community members.
Led by multiple class members.
Caring Christians.
Occasionally we laughingly refer to our class as "The Young Adults"! However, we have "matured" as our ages are now in the sixties and seventies! We are "Young at Heart"! We have studied the Men and Women of the Bible, Seamless, and other video studies. Please come join our group.
Led by Joe Little, Johnny Webb, Jeanie Hollinger.
Companions in Christ.
Singles and couples, mostly in our 30’s and 40’s - but anyone is welcome to join us. We have a very laid-back atmosphere that encourages open discussion. Topics of study include books of the Bible, Biblical History, Current Events, and various life applications. We utilize Right Now Media, written studies, and more.
Friends in Faith.
We are mostly singles and couples aged 40 and up, but Anyone is welcome to join us. We have traveled "Through the Bible" and studied "Women of the Bible" as well as "Great Characters of the Bible." In addition to our delivery of grilled chicken plates to special friends in the community each December, we support local missions. Our curriculum consists of current events happening in the world today and how they pertain to books of the Bible.
Led by George Fendley.
Girls with Swords.
Open to all women ages 19-up. We are a food-loving, fun-loving, Jesus-loving, God-worshiping group of ladies. We study directly from God's Word and have just recently started looking closely at The Lord's Prayer. We welcome anyone who would like to join us.
Led by Fran Hollinger & Leah Vick.
The Rough Bunch.
Men of all ages. Teaching from the Bible. If you come, have a thick skin.
Led by Malcolm Smith.